Help! What Should I Do About My Future?

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by Allison DePalma, MA, BCBA

Price: 400 points or $4 USD

Subjects: career,responsibleDecisionMaking,specialed,specialAdults,specialAba,Special Autism,lifeSkills

Grades: 10,11,12,15

Description: Any transition can be difficult, but the transition between high school and post-high school can be a big one. What do I want to do for work? Do I want to go to college? If I do, which college is best? Where will I live? The questions go on! The following deck aims to help individuals who are struggling with what they want to do after high school; specifically through identifying values. This deck includes... - A description of what values are, along with some examples - 3 open-response questions that ask how one could incorporate their values into potential options for the future (ie. How can you uphold your values when working a job, or deciding to live alone?) - 10 this or that questions with open-response boxes for explanations as to why the individual chose their answer (the discussion around values should help provide some direction, although there are no right or wrong answers!) - A final summary on what was gained during the lesson, as well as what potential questions may be remaining (continue conversation beyond cards) The definition and concept of values has been pulled from the ACT curriculum (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Russ Harris).