Deforestation and the Environment LESSON

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by Dynamic Earth Learning

Price: 500 points or $5 USD

Subjects: science,humanImpactsOnEarthSystems,globalClimateChange,earthAndSpaceScience,biodiversityAndHumans,ecosystemsDynamicsFunctioningAndResilience,lifeScience

Grades: 5,6,7,8,9

Description: Embedded video lesson on first slide! Then students answer 30 questions. Students will learn about deforestation, which is the cutting of trees and removal of forest cover from a large area without planting new ones. Deforestation is mainly caused by human activities and can have negative effects on the environment, including climate change, floods, loss of biodiversity, increased global warming, soil erosion, logging, agriculture, forest fires, cattle ranching, infrastructure expansion, and mining activities. The lesson also provides information on the main causes of deforestation in the Amazon and strategies that can be used to prevent it, such as planting trees, creating awareness, reducing meat consumption, and promoting sustainable agriculture and logging practices.