Heteronyms Noun-Verb WITH AUDIO

deck thumbnail

by Rike Neville

Price: 800 points or $8 USD

Subjects: ela,englishSecondLanguage,eslVocab,elaLanguage,vocabAcquisitionAndUse

Grades: 10,11,12,15

Description: Most heteronym resources are designed for children, but not this one! This combo deck of 65 noun-verb heteronyms (with audio!) was created for adult students. This is deck #1 and deck #2 combined--NO DIFFERENCES--just all together in one deck here. Each card has one set of noun-verb heteronyms. Students read the sentence, click to listen to the audio next to the noun-verb heteronyms, and then drag and drop the words in the correct blanks in the sentence. The noun/verb heteronyms used are: abuse, addict, address, advocate, annex, associate, attribute, bow, combat, combine, commune, conduct, confines, conflict, console, consort, construct, content, contest, contract, contrast, convert, convict, defect, delegate, desert, does, dove, duplicate, escort, estimate, excuse, extract, graduate, house, import, imprint, incense, increase, insult, lead, moped, mouth, object, permit, present, proceeds, produce, progress, project, rebel, record, reject, rerun, research, resume, sow, subject, suspect, syndicate, tear, transplant, use, wind, wound. The sentences are pretty much identical to the ones I wrote for my Heteronyms Nouns-Verbs resource sold on TpT, but I tweaked a couple that began with a heteronym because that would have given a capital letter as a giveaway clue.