Price: 250 points or $2.5 USD
Subjects: foundationalSkills,seasonSummer,firstDayOfSpring,specialed,speech
Grades: 14,13,1,2
Description: In this multiple-choice watermelon-themed game, the player will see letters of the alphabet displayed on pieces of watermelons. The task is to tap or click one of the pictures that begins with that letter. The deck will automatically advance to the next card if the initial letter of the picture matches the letter displayed on the watermelon. If you are correct, you will hear a bell sound and see a green circle. If you are incorrect, you will hear a whoops sound and see a red circle. You can try as many times as you like to correct your answer. The cards are randomized. Each time you play the deck the cards will be in different order. The pictures will also change position in the grids. Benefits: Review lowercase letters Reinforce letters recognition Practice initial picture sounds and matching to beginning letters Work independently and can self-correct Enjoy!:)