Summer Themed Yes and No Questions

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by Speechie Adventures

Price: 500 points or $5 USD

Subjects: speech,seasonSummer

Grades: 14,13,1

Description: These no-prep Summer Themed Yes/No Questions Boom Cards are perfect for targeting a variety of language skills in speech and language therapy or special education classes. Use this summer themed resource for in-person therapy or teletherapy sessions! This product targets Yes/No responses with six different language areas: 1. Identifying Nouns (e.g. Is this a crab?) 2. Present Progressive -ing Verbs (e.g. Are they surfing?) 3. Functions (e.g. Do you eat watermelon?) 4. Attributes/Describing (e.g. Is it tall?) 5. Categories (e.g. Is it a fruit?) 6. Expressing Opinion (e.g. Do you like ___?) Use these Boom Cards to target: - Receptive Language - Expressive Language - AAC core words: yes, no, like, don't, my turn - Categories - Describing - Functions - Verbs - Social Communication Questions? Email