Price: 700 points or $7 USD
Subjects: speech,holiday,cognition,socialAspectsOfCommunication,pragmatics,christmas,cognitionExecutiveFunctioning
Grades: 6,7,8,9,10
Description: Gift-giving is one of those areas that is full of social rules and involves the higher-order cognitive skills of making inferences and taking the perspective of others. This activity is geared for older students that struggle with the skills of making inferences, perspective-taking, & social inferences. This is a functional way to work on inference and perspective-taking skills with real-life tasks that students are more likely to perceive as relevant to their lives. This is not a deck about Christmas gifts BUT it would be timely and appropriate to review it around any gift-giving holidays (like Christmas, birthdays, or Valentine's day). This deck uses a combination of multiple choice responses, drag and drop responses, click on the image responses and open-ended type your answer responses. It scaffolds in new skills as the deck progresses. It includes: A home page and forwards/backwards arrows, Teaching information on how we make inferences when considering gifts for others, Scenarios (with photographs) of family, friends and acquaintances where student drags and drop an x next to good-fit gift ideas for this person, Perspective-taking-fill in thought bubble, click on emoji, Drag and drop the best gift for the person, Vocabulary checks, Review pages, Open-ended scenarios where students type responses. There are pre-recorded directions for struggling readers.