Fill The Candy Jar

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by Say Gray Speech

Price: 100 points or $1 USD

Subjects: speech

Grades: 14,13,1,2,3

Description: ***Warning, Preview will only work for amounts 1 and 5 and the button that says "Ideas For Use." If purchased all the amounts will work, I promise :) Fill in the blank box just added to be able to type out numbers as a written, visual cue. Also helpful for children who need a visual support such as "first count, then play" etc. Great for distance learning or in person. I made this for my own speech therapy with students with severe disabilities. There are purposely no drop zones, just drag items anywhere you want, play, group, count, open the jar and drag candies out if you want to empty it or play a reverse game. This is a counting jar (options for 1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30). Therapy tips and ideas for use included (click "Ideas for use). Can be used for a token board, visual countdown, counting game, articulation game, language game, PRT interactive toy, color game, goofy game, anything you can imagine! If you have a jar and real candies with you can model this activity in real life, listening to the sounds of the candies hitting the glass, shaking it, pouring them out, and having a snack! If parents prepare and allow a few candies at the end, that would be a fun conclusion for a distance learning session. Please hit feedback and let me know if you enjoy this tool. Thank you! ~SGS