FREE Functional Vocabulary Book with REAL Photos: Animals

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by Panda Speech

Price: 0 points or $0 USD

Subjects: speech

Grades: 15

Description: THIS IS A FREE SAMPLE OF MY FULL ANIMAL BOOK! This sample has 6 animals, the full book has 16 animals! These books are great for: functional vocabulary, increasing MLU (mean length of utterance), matching skills, and expressive/receptive language skills. These books were designed to be simple and functional without a lot of distracting images or text. I hope you find them useful! I love using them in speech therapy sessions! Many children will recognize the functional vocabulary in these books and get excited to use the symbols and pieces! How I use this book: I point to the large picture on the page and see if they can identify it (I use the prompts: “what is this” or “this is a ____”). There are a choice 3 images on the right side of the page, have the find the matching picture and drag it in the blank square on the page. After that I have them repeat the sentences on the page while pointing to the symbols. “I see a ____ ” If the student is limited-verbal, I have them point to the symbols while I verbalize the sentence for a model or have then tell you with their AAC device (again, providing a model when needed). Expansion idea: You can ask the students follow up questions about each animal such as: “Where does it live?” "What is your favorite animal?” “Is the animal big or small?” “Is the animal friendly or dangerous”