Price: 0 points or $0 USD
Subjects: speech,socialAspectsOfCommunication,pragmatics
Grades: 5,6,7,8,9
Description: A deck of interactive cards to practice the social skill of initiating a conversation. Students are presented with four ways to initiate a conversation: small talk, ask a question, make a comment and give a compliment. For each method, students are given 4 social scenarios with photgraphs and background information. Students choose the best response for initiating the conversation from four choices. There is a draggable cover for the multiple choice responses. Then, they are given an opportunity to come up with their own questions or statements. They can compare their answers to examples! There is a video that can be used in conjunction with this deck on my youtube channel (badger state speechy). Students have the option of pressing the microphone icon to hear the directions and information read to them. There are arrows on each slide for easy navigation. The home page and arrows make for easier navigation.