Fossil Articulation Game: /s/ blends FREEBIE

deck thumbnail

by Thrifty Speechy

Price: 0 points or $0 USD

Subjects: speech

Grades: 13,1,2,3

Description: Use this interactive, paleontologist themed deck to target 6 different variations of /s/ blends. Cards included for: /sc/ & /sk/ blends mixed /sl/ blends /sm/ blends /sp/ blends /st/ blends mixed /s/ blends Bonus blank page with 5 hidden fossils to use with your own word list. Students will move the dirt pieces and look for fossils. They can place the dirt in the discard pile on top of the shovel. If they find a word containing their sound they will say the word X times before the next person's turn. There are 13 words per card.The first person to find 3 fossils wins the game!