Feed the Pumpkin: STUTTERING - Easy Onset

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by Mrs. Krug

Price: 100 points or $1 USD

Subjects: ela,speech,specialed

Grades: 14,13,1,2,3

Description: This pumpkin HUNGRY, and it will eat almost anything! Practice using easy onsets while saying vowel- and /h/- initiated words (or make phrases or sentences with each word) while you feed it. Take a gentle breath, let some air out, and gently say each word as you drag the items into the pumpkin's mouth! Careful, it might bite! The pumpkins make loud, crunching sounds as you feed them. This fun activity will keep your students engaged! Great for distance learning, teletherapy, speech therapy, or home practice! Great Fall or Halloween activity as well! *The sound effects work best if you use a real mouse. If you use a touchscreen device, first tap on the picture with your finger to make the sound, then drag it with your finger.