Price: 0 points or $0 USD
Subjects: performingArts,musicElementarySkills,music
Grades: 1,2,3,4
Description: Feed the Starfish Instrument Families Edition for Boom Cards will give students practice grouping instruments by family. Students drag instrument bubbles for the correct family into the mouth of the starfish. Play a lively full-group game on your interactive whiteboard, or use the deck as a more low-key center activity on laptops or tablets. What is included? 23 different instruments of the orchestra 5 family pages: woodwind, brass, strings, percussion, & keyboard . Instant Feedback: Sounds indicate correct and incorrect answers. How to Play Read the directions that indicate which instrument family to "feed" on each card. Students will drag the instrument picture bubble from the right side of the screen into the mouth of the starfish. All of the possible correct answers must be fed to the starfish to advance to the next slide. Correct answers will advance to the next slide, incorrect answers will be indicated and allow for self-correction. This Deck is VERSATILE: * Distance or Hybrid Learning activities * Whole group instruction on your Smartboard or interactive whiteboard * Independent practice (paperless & self-checking) * Small group instruction or Music Centers * Add the link to your GoogleTM Classroom or Learning Platform * With a premium account, use as an independent assessment.