Factoring Quadratic Expressions (a = 1)

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by Kate's Math Lessons

Price: 300 points or $3 USD

Subjects: math

Grades: 7,8,9,10,11

Description: This 42-card deck is a great way to help algebra students factor quadratic expressions with a leading coefficient of 1. The deck includes a lesson with examples to show them how to narrow down the options and use the distributive property (or FOIL) to see which factorization is correct. ** The deck increases in difficulty ** The questions start with positive terms and options that students can drag-and-drop to factor. It increases in difficulty to quadratic expressions with negative terms (with drag-and-drop). The final 16 cards are fill-in-the-blank. Don't forget you can hide any of the cards to adjust this deck to an appropriate difficulty level for your students. You can also go to custom settings (when you click on the blue button in your library) and choose how many cards you would like students to see at one time.