Swat a Sound- Articulation /sh/ FREEBIE

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by Speechable Moments

Price: 0 points or $0 USD

Subjects: speech,specialed

Grades: 14,13,1,2,3

Description: Link to full game: https://wow.boomlearning.com/deck/swat-a-sound--articulation-shchslkgr-LvbJehozn9szza4Rg How to play: Grab your fly swatter and let's get these flies! Swat the bug you want to crush using the fly swatter. After you swat the bug, move the bug to the side to reveal an articulation word. Say your word aloud three times. After you practice your target word, drag a green splat on top of the bug so you know you already squished that fly! Squish all the flies to complete the game Link to full game: https://wow.boomlearning.com/deck/swat-a-sound--articulation-shchslkgr-LvbJehozn9szza4Rg