Price: 150 points or $1.5 USD
Subjects: music,musicElementarySkills,holiday,firstDayOfAutumn,halloween
Grades: 14,13,1,2,3
Description: Students will write the Sol-Mi pattern they see on the staff using "S" for sol and "M" for mi - upper or lower case, doesn't matter. They will type into the framed oval the letter pattern matching the note pattern. A cursor will be where students need to type - they don't need to click anywhere to start. They do need to click "Submit" though. Students will automatically hear the directions read to them on the first card including an example. The next 20 cards are in random order with melodies of 3-5 notes. Notes are shown by a candy corn. This fun set is perfect for October! Terms of Use: This Boom Deck is for individual use. It may not be shared with other teachers. You may use this Boom Deck for any/all students YOU teach and at any school(s) YOU teach at. If you talk about it or reference it online please link back to my Boom Store: This product may not be reproduced or posted to the internet. It is a violation of copyright.