Expanding Utterances & Core Vocabulary Like | Holiday Verbs (GIFS)

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by SpeechRUS

Price: 300 points or $3 USD

Subjects: speech,specialed,holiday,firstDayOfWinter,expressiveLanguage,receptiveLanguage,christmas

Grades: 14,13,1,2

Description: This interactive no-prep activity contains animated Christmas Themed Verbs (GIFS) to help your students answer build receptive and expressive language skills. Students are able to answer WH questions, practice the core word LIKE and increase MLU! These animated verbs keep the activity extremely motivating and help your students stay engaged! This activity includes: - Activities for expanding utterances, answering WH questions, identifying nouns, labeling verbs, following directions, and so much more! - Visual Sentence Strips to increase MLU - Multiple repetitions of the core word LIKE The following animated Christmas Themed Verbs are included in this activity: - Moose Drinking - Moose Decorating - Moose Waving - Moose Sleeping - Moose Holding a pencil - Moose Holding an ornament - Moose Holding a present - Moose Reading - Gingerbread Driving - Gingerbread Writing - Gingerbread Mixing - Gingerbread Reading - Gingerbread Waving - Gingerbread Rolling - Santa Driving - Santa Reading - Santa Hiding - Rudolph Driving - Rudolph Writing - Rudolph Singing - Rudolph Looking Some IEP goals that can be targeted during this activity: - Expanding Utterances and Increasing MLU - WH Questions - Labeling Verbs - Core Word LIKE - Pragmatics (e.g. requesting)