Dinosaur Identification with Binoculars | 1-Choice

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by Hands-On Multilingual Fun

Price: not for individual sale

Subjects: science,earthAndSpaceScience,theUniverseAndItsStars,theHistoryOfPlanetEarth,earthAndTheSolarSystem,speech,specialed

Grades: 14,13,1,2,3

Description: In this FREE deck, your students will read each of the 2 statements "On the next card, find the stegosaurus" and then will identify each dinosaur by finding it with the binoculars. Your students drag the binoculars around until they find the dinosaur that was requested on the previous card. This deck includes the statement with an image of the dinosaur requested and the next card includes only the correct dinosaur. For more dinosaur related decks, please check out our store, Hands-on Multilingual Fun! https://wow.boomlearning.com/author/handsonmultilingualfun