Digraph CH Activities

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by 1plus1plus1

Price: 150 points or $1.5 USD

Subjects: ela

Grades: 13,1

Description: Have fun reviewing the CH digraph with real photographs. Beginning CH words included: cheetah, chick, chicken, cherry, church, chest, chair, chimpanzee, cheese Ending CH words included: wrench, finch, peach, ostrich, beach, watch, couch, spinach. 12 different cards, featuring 5 different activities: Review Words with CH at the beginning and end. Does it begin with CH? CH Maze C or CH Picture Sort Does CH come at the beginning or end? Picture Sort Which Sound? Click on the correct beginning sound. Printable activities to complement this online learning activity can be found at https://www.1plus1plus1equals1shop.com/learn-to-read in the Digraph section!