Spanish Vegetables: Choose the Photo

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by World Language Cafe

Price: 200 points or $2 USD

Subjects: language

Grades: 6,7,8,9,10

Description: Students will learn to recognize 25 vegetables in Spanish. Students select the picture that corresponds with the vegetable name. This activity also sneaks in some review of the expression, ¿Dónde está?. Vocabulary: aguacate, ajo, apio, batatas, berejena, brecol, brócol, brócoli, bróculi, calabaza, calabacín, cebollas, chícharos, coliflor, espinacas, guisantes, hongos, lechuga, maíz, patatas, patatas dulces, papas, pepino, pimiento amarillo, pimiento rojo, pimiento verde, repollo, tomate, zanahoria. If you'd like additional food vocabulary, check out other sets for Spanish foods (Levels 1 and 2), drinks, and fruits or save more with the bundle: If there is another word that you would like to see included or if you have other suggestions, email me at: