Coordinating Conjunctions #1

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by Rike Neville

Price: 325 points or $3.25 USD

Subjects: ela,elaLanguageGrammar,eslGrammar,englishSecondLanguage

Grades: 10,11,12,15

Description: Give your secondary to adult students practice with the coordinating conjunctions in compound sentences with this deck! Great for ESL! There are four types of questions: 1) Error Correction. Students switch out the incorrect coordinating conjunction for the correct one. 2) Unscramble. Students unscramble the given words to write a sentence using a coordinating conjunction. 3) Fill-in-the-Blank. Students use the correct conjunction to complete the given sentence. 4) Choose the Best Response. Students choose the best response to the question. This set is based on my coordinating conjunctions task cards sold in my TpT store.