Compound words #5 Complete the compound word

by Christopher D. Morgan

Price: 345 points or $3.45 USD

Subjects: ela,ot,speech,specialed

Grades: 3,4,5,6

Description: Complete the compound word. Each card presents a single word, which is the first half of a compound word. Using the clue provided, determine what the completed compound word should be and complete it by typing in the first half of the word. There are 30 cards in this deck with 1 compound word to be found on each card. Decks in this series: - Compound Words #1 - drag to make 3 compound words - Compound Words #2 - drag to make 4 compound words - Compound Words #3 - drag to make 6 compound words - Compound Words #4 - complete the compound word - Compound Words #5 - complete the compound word