Build The Emotion Nonverbal Communication Activity for Speech Therapy

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by Stacy Crouse

Price: 500 points or $5 USD

Subjects: speech,pragmatics,socialAspectsOfCommunication

Grades: 4,5,6,7,8

Description: This deck of Boom Cards™ helps you target emotions and feelings in a whole NEW WAY! Your students will learn how to recognize and understand a variety of facial expressions through a dynamic pragmatic language activity! First, use the MINI-LESSON (4 cards) about facial expressions to introduce the parts of the face (eyebrows, eyes, mouth) that help us identify someone's emotion. The lesson includes interactive activities, examples, and visuals to hold students' attention. Then, each of the 30 PRACTICE CARDS names an emotion and asks the student to drag and drop the eyebrows, eyes, and mouth (each from a field of 2 movable pieces) to the person figure to create the named facial expression. This resource suits your entire social language caseload. It includes: ✅ A TEACHING COMPONENT in addition to practice for those that need it ✅ MATURE GRAPHICS to appeal to your older students too ✅ MOVABLE PIECES to ensure students stay actively involved ✅ A WIDE RANGE OF EMOTIONS to go well beyond the basics of happy, sad, etc. Use this activity for something totally new and different when targeting emotions and feelings with your social language students. They'll love experimenting with the facial features and thinking critically about each one!