Benefits of Urban Farming LESSON

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by Dynamic Earth Learning

Price: 500 points or $5 USD

Subjects: science,appliedScience,earthAndSpaceScience,lifeScience,physicalSciences

Grades: 5,6,7,8

Description: Embedded video lesson on first slide! Then students answer 30 questions. This environmental science lesson explores the concept of urban farming and the benefits it has on the environment, economy, health, education, and society. Urban farming is defined as the practice of growing food and raising animals in urban and suburban areas. It is a flexible farming practice that takes on many forms, including backyard and rooftop gardening, community gardening, and livestock grazing. The top five benefits of urban farming are economic benefits, environmental benefits, health and nutrition benefits, educational benefits, and social benefits. Urban farming provides job opportunities, money for local government, reduces carbon footprint, puts wasted lands to good use, and provides fresh and accessible food, among other benefits. It also helps people to learn new farming skills and promotes social interaction.