French Chores les corvées les tâches ménagères

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by French with the Hobbs

Price: 325 points or $3.25 USD

Subjects: language,instructionalFrench,nativeFrench,nativelanguage

Grades: 7,8,9,10

Description: Beginner French students can practice les corvées vocabulary with this deck of 30-digital task cards. All cards are in French. Students will practice reading, writing and listening, thus improving their comprehension of les tâches ménagères. The cards are organized as follows: Listen to the vocab sentence, choose the corresponding picture Listen to the sentence, decide if it is an outside/inside chore Categorize chore vocabulary (à l'intérieur/à l'extérieur) Read a sentence and decide if it is logical Drag the vocabulary words to corresponding pictures Choose a word associated with the given word Read a conversation and write the missing words The vocabulary words include: faire la cuisine, mettre/débarrasser la table, faire la vaisselle, balayer, faire la lessive, faire le lit, ranger la chambre, passer l'aspirateur, faire la poussière, nettoyer, tondre la pelouse, sortir la poubelle/le chien, promener le chien, laver la voiture, arroser les plantes Students will see the chores in the following ways: Il faut ... Conjugations in JE form J'aime/Je n'aime pas... Words also used in the deck: l'exercice, les tomates, les melons, le short, le pantalon, au parc, le garage, des livres Do you have a specific vocabulary list and/or deck request we could customize for you? Email us at