A THANK YOU TO MY FOLLOWERS FREEBIE Who's Behind The Door? Easter Edition with Animated Gifs

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by The Petite Speech Geek

Price: 0 points or $0 USD

Subjects: speech

Grades: 14,13

Description: THANK YOU TO MY FOLLOWERS! Thank you for following me and supporting my passion! Who's Behind The Door? Easter Edition! Ask students to choose which color door they would like to open and use the sentence starter to make a 4-word request. Click on that door to be transitioned to a card where students will match the correct color key to the door to "open" it. Once the key is dragged over, click submit then next to move on to the next card. Ask students to slide the door open to reveal who/what is behind it. Ask students to use the sentence starters to tell who/what they see. All images are animated so don't be afraid to take it further and ask students more questions (i.e. where are they? what are they doing?). Then ask them to click the correct response (out of a field of 4 images). THANK YOU SO MUCH ! I hope you enjoy and please, as always, let me know what you think!