Who & What Doing Questions | Pets Verbs

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by SpeechRUS

Price: 350 points or $3.5 USD

Subjects: ela,speech,specialed

Grades: 14,13,1,2

Description: This is an interactive pet store activity that contains animated pet store animals (GIFS). Students are able to answer WHO & WHAT DOING questions to label animals and verbs! This activity is extremely engaging and motivated as it contains animated pet store animals (GIFS)! This activity contains the following: - 11 different pet animals (e.g. dog, cat, turtle, snake, hamster, rabbit, guinea pig, hamster, mouse, fish, parrot & bird) - A variety of different verbs (e.g. eating, jumping, licking, running, walking, swimming, talking, flying, hitting) Some of the following IEP Goals can be targeted during this activity - WH Questions - Labeling Animals - Labeling Verbs - Expanding Utterances and Increasing MLU (e.g. give students sentence strips such as "I see a ____" or the ___ is (doing what). - Describing (e.g. color, attributes, category, functions, etc.)