Social Skills Tip of the Day Behavior Education

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by 5CrazyBoys

Price: 300 points or $3 USD

Subjects: specialed,specialAba,emotionalAndBehavioralSkills,Special Autism,lifeSkills

Grades: 0

Description: Social Skills tip of the day gives students and teachers 20 different real world situations and the appropriate responses to those experiences that may not always be comfortable to handle. This deck includes situations that deal with body functions and food. It is perfect for students who need more practice and reminders of the polite way to handle different situations so that people do not get their feelings hurt by your responses. Some of the examples in this deck include farts, burps, body odor, chewing with your mouth open, sweating, etc. The title card features buttons with 20 different faces on it. You can click on a face and it will bring you to a social skill tip of the day. The tip cards have 2 buttons- a "home" button and a "next tip" button so you can scroll through all the tips, or you can look at them one at a time. This would be a great addition to your special education lessons or your circle time activities.