Eureka Math 2nd Grade Module 5 Lessons 13-18

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by L & I's Learning Lab

Price: 240 points or $2.4 USD

Subjects: math,mathElementary,baseTen,placeValue,additionAndSubtraction

Grades: 2

Description: This is a practice or review deck for the Engage NY Eureka Math 2nd grade Module 5 lessons 13-18. This is a 37 card deck that will review, practice or access some problems from each lesson. Students will need to have a place value chart and scrap paper handy. This deck can also be used for homework. practice. Lesson 13- Relate manipulative representations to the subtraction algorithm, and use addition to explain why the subtraction method works.  Lesson 14-15-  Use math drawings to represent subtraction with up to two decompositions, relate drawings to the algorithm, and use addition to explain why the subtraction method works.  Lesson 16- 17- SUbtract from multiples of 100 and from numbers with zero in the tens place. Lesson 18- Apply and explain alternate methods for subtracting from multiples of 100 and from numbers with ero in the tens place.. Please check out my store for 2nd grade Eureka Math modules 1-5.