Sounds to Speech: The Hat Book

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by Therapy Queen Bee

Price: 500 points or $5 USD

Subjects: ela,speech,specialed,speakingListening,apraxia,specialAba,Special Autism

Grades: 14,13,1,2

Description: The Hat Book is a simple E-Book deck for children learning to speak in and/or read phrases/short sentences. Each slide has a 'what' or 'where' question and pictures of different colored hats on animals. Animal names are all early developing CVC words. It includes 6 animals and 6 different colored hats! You can also adapt this E-Book to a physical, interactive book by printing out the deck. This is great for kids who benefit from manually placing words on the picture to make the phrase. The Hat Book is a great companion of The Bow Book, also found in this store!