Price: 195 points or $1.95 USD
Subjects: seasonSummer,additionAndSubtraction,specialed
Grades: 14,13,1,2
Description: The cards in the deck relate to orange-themed subtraction within 5 using five frames. In this orange-themed deck of cards, students use fives frames to solve subtraction equations. Students count the number of oranges on the five frame and then count how many are taken away. The oranges that are not covered with a red cross, are the oranges that are left. They should write the answer in the blank fillable box. Tap or click the Submit button for instant feedback. The deck will advance to the next card if the answer is entered correctly. If your answer is incorrect, you will hear a ‘whoops’ sound. You can self-correct if you make an error. The cards are randomized and so the cards will appear in a different order each time the deck is played. Learning Objectives: • To review and practice solving subtraction equations • Reinforce the minus sign mean less/take away from • To count correctly • Work independently and self-correct Thank you for visiting my store.:)