Price: 125 points or $1.25 USD
Subjects: hearingAndAudiology,expressiveLanguage,speech
Grades: 0
Description: Digital task cards to help student learn about their microphone systems. Students will identify the parts on the device and the function of each part. These cards serve as a valuable tool for assessing students' knowledge of the fundamental components, encouraging a comprehensive grasp of the device's structure and functionality. The Pennsylvania Expanded Core Competencies for Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (PA ECCDHH) Addressed: PA ECCDHH Au.2 – Management of Listening Devices PA ECCDHH Au.2.E3 - Names main parts of personal listening devices and HAT and their respective functions PA ECCDHH SDA – Self-Determination & Advocacy PA ECCDHH SDA.2 – Self-Advocacy: Feeling Empowered PA ECCDHH SDA.2 – Proficient Use of Accommodations and Auxiliary Services.