Price: 650 points or $6.5 USD
Subjects: musicPiano,musicElementarySkills,games
Grades: 0
Description: This beginning music terms and symbols game reviews 9-12 beginning music terms and symbols, including parts of the music note. Students are presented with 4 multiple choice answers on each card and must tap the correct answer to play the card. PLEASE NOTE: These cards CANNOT be randomized because correct answers take students to different cards than incorrect answers do. *Questions play in the same order every time.* Students earn a gold star for every correct answer and must earn 10 gold stars to complete the game. If students answer incorrectly, they will receive a bomb card and lose one of their mushrooms (lives). If students encounter 3 bombs before collecting 10 gold stars, their game will be over. Order of questions: 1. note stem 2. beam 3. dot 4. staff 5. note head 6. treble clef 7. bar line 8. space note 9. bass clef If a student misses questions, they will also receive these additional questions: 10. measure 11. line note 12. repeat sign A fun, gamified way to practice music terms and symbols!