5th Grade/5.NBT.A.3b - Compare Decimals Boom Card Deck

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by Math Mom Repeat

Price: 200 points or $2 USD

Subjects: math,mathElementary,baseTen,placeValue,decimals

Grades: 4,5

Description: Comparing decimals can be tricky. This Boom Card Deck is the perfect solution for intervention, review, homework, math centers, and so much more. Students get instant feedback on comparing decimals and ordering decimals from least to greatest/greatest to least. This Boom Card Deck includes: -1 Title slide -4 teaching slides -1 symbols slide (greater than, less than, equal to) -8 compare using >,<, = signs ** -6 put decimals in order (greatest to least and least to greatest) ** I do want you to know that in order to get through the comparing slides, students will have to drag the decimals to the box. This forces them to pay attention to the decimal place values they are comparing.