Getting Paid - Lecture & Comprehension

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by Adulting Made Easy (spedadulting)

Price: 300 points or $3 USD

Subjects: edtech,specialed

Grades: 0

Description: Career skills curriculum - Visual Interactive Lecture Presentation formatted like a social narrative with mini quiz that gives instant correct/incorrect feedback. Great for secondary special education students, distance or remote learning This unit focuses on vocational vocabulary and skills for understanding income and benefits an employee might receive from their employer. This unit also goes over basic concepts of taxes, deductions, commission, overtime, how to make a deposit, spending vs saving, as well as how to properly read and make calculations on a pay stub. PLEASE READ BEFORE PURCHASING: Laws are constantly changing and some of the content of this unit might be affected by some of those changes (eg. maximum leave time for Family medical leave act). I try my best to update these changes as soon I hear about policy change, but if you see a content that needs to be adjusted or changed, please let me know and I will be more than happy to update the file for you right away! :) Content is worded generically so that information is applicable to any state. **This unit uses US currency and refers to US policy and laws in regards to business and employment benefits. This includes: 56 slides of lecture Audio for lecture & quiz 9 question YES/NO or Multiple choice comprehension quiz