Errorless Learning in Spanish: LAS FORMAS, 2D Shapes

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by Angelica's Resources

Price: 275 points or $2.75 USD

Subjects: math,speech,specialed,language

Grades: 14,13,1

Description: LAS FORMAS: This unique 2D Shapes in Spanish errorless set of digital task cards provides your students with a positive learning experience. The deck ensures that your student will always be correct when they click on a shape. ● This interactive learning resource helps your students feel successful and gain confidence. ● Every card has strong picture support and large print. ● Your students receive instant positive feedback. The deck is randomized, so your students can have fun playing the game over and over again! The ten shapes included in this set are: círculo, óvalo, triángulo, rectángulo, cuadrado, pentágono, hexágono, rombo, octágono, and trapecio. Ten task cards are color 2D shapes with faces and ten task cards are black 2D shapes. This resource is guaranteed to make learning fun for special education, preschool, transitional kindergarten, and kindergarten students. ***❤️***Students can click on the sound symbol to hear the names of the 2D shapes in Spanish. ❤️Complete your set with my other Errorless Boom Card themes such as Farm Animals, Fairy Tales, Ocean Animals, and even Pajama Monkeys located in my store!❤️ Enjoy your resource! -Angelica