Music Alphabet - Halloween

deck thumbnail

by Kelly Bordeaux Piano

Price: 500 points or $5 USD

Subjects: games,holiday,halloween,music,musicPiano,musicElementarySkills

Grades: 13,1,2,3

Description: This Halloween Music Alphabet set of Boom cards includes 49 cards and reviews the musical alphabet going forward only. Audio instructions are included on each card and audio plays automatically for the first 3 cards. Play is randomized. Students play 20 cards at a time. Cards present the music alphabet going up - just as the notes go up the staff. Students must tap the correct letter to complete the music alphabet sequence, which is designated by a piece of Halloween candy without a letter. Each letter of the music alphabet begins the sequence on different cards throughout the deck, so students review it in every possible order they could encounter. Perfect for beginning piano students or any music students new to learning the music alphabet!