Analyzing Solutions to Problems

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by A Happy Learner

Price: 100 points or $1 USD

Subjects: pragmatics,socialAspectsOfCommunication

Grades: 7,8,9,10,11

Description: Please note, this is NOT an independent activity. This deck is supposed to facilitate discussion. Keep reading!! Help middle and high school students practice the linguistic and awareness skills needed for reasoning and problem solving in a neurodiversity affirming way! Students will practice analyzing solutions to problems by deciding if they think it is always right, always wrong, or depends on the situation. There are no right or wrong answers! Students will decide whether they think the situation is a problem or not and explain their reasoning. Check out the free Teacher's Guide to this activity in the Printables section of my store. This Boom deck is part of my Social Reasoning and Problem Solving unit. You can get more parts of this unit in a bundle in my store.