Conversation Skills: Middle/High School Pragmatics- Positive Language

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by Chatter Abound

Price: 200 points or $2 USD

Subjects: speech,sel,specialed,communicationSkills,Special Autism,pragmatics,socialAspectsOfCommunication

Grades: 7,8,9,10,11

Description: This deck is intended for students working on social skills. This deck addresses the use of positive language in hopes of improving socialization and self-esteem. A lesson is provided on using positive language and its benefits. A topic is also addressed about healthy positivity because we would not want students to take this concept to the extreme. (eg., denying pain exists in the world) 2 practice components are included. One component includes scenarios with real life images where the student selects the positive remark given a binary choice. The next component is a tic-tac-toe game where the students create positive statements about various topics. (eg., self-affirmations, praise about others) I hope this deck is helpful to your students! Thank you for checking out my deck! Allison