Price: 250 points or $2.5 USD
Subjects: language,nativeSounds,instructionalSpanish
Grades: 6,7,8,9,10
Description: Students listen to 25 common vegetables in Spanish and then type the word in the box. Great listening and spelling practice! Helps students learn sounds, spelling, and new vocabulary. Vocabulary: aguacate, ajo, apio, batatas, berejena, brecol, brócol, brócoli, bróculi, calabaza, calabacín, cebollas, chícharos, coliflor, espinacas, guisantes, hongos, lechuga, maíz, patatas, patatas dulces, papas, pepino, pimiento amarillo, pimiento rojo, pimiento verde, repollo, tomate, zanahoria. If you'd like additional food vocabulary, check out other sets for Spanish foods (Levels 1 and 2), drinks, and fruits or save more with the bundle: If there is another word that you would like to see included or if you have other suggestions, email me at: