Price: 400 points or $4 USD
Subjects: ela
Grades: 1,2
Description: ELA Morning Work for 2nd Grade Week 3 The first page is the menu and will help students navigate to get to the correct day for that week. Once a student finishes the last task card for the day, they will automatically be taken back to the menu. There will be 40 weeks included in this growing bundle. Each set is divided among 5 days for that week (50 task cards). Each day is color-coded and consists of 10 cards with some cards having multiple problems on the task card. So when completed this bundle will have 2,000 digital task cards! Each month concentrates on certain skills that also spiral throughout the month (and month to month, so I will group every 4 weeks into the same skills, but different problems on each task card). I use the printable version with my students every year and it was amazing to see their growth. Each month progressively gets more challenging and works on skills that 2nd graders need to know. Here are the skills included in weeks 1-4 ►Digraphs ►Past and Present ►Syllables ►Following Directions ►Short and Long Vowels ►ABC Order ►Kinds of Sentences ►Sight Words ►Making Words ►Contractions ►Compound Words ►Nouns ►Unscramble the sentence ►-ER and -EST endings ►Missing Vowel ►Correct the Spelling ►Fact or Opinion ►Fix the Sentence ►Main Idea ►Rhyming ►Sequencing ►Suffixes ►Missing Beginning Sounds ►Shades of Meaning ►Verbs ►Synonyms ►Capitalization