Speech Fluency in Connected Sentences: Zoo Break!

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by Of Mouth & Mind- D. Hamburg, SLP

Price: 300 points or $3 USD

Subjects: speech,speechFluency,specialed,communicationSkills

Grades: 1,2,3,4,5

Description: Teach stuttering therapy strategies using adequate breath, stretchy speech, easy onset, and continuous phonation (voicing). These fluency strategies are practiced with increasingly longer multisyllabic words within sentences. You control your student's rate of speech by moving the icon at the desired speed for fluency. The zookeeper's job is to find the zoo animals that have escaped from the zoo! As you search for them, provide your students/clients with a visual, auditory, and kinesthetic tool to practice smooth speech strategies. Then, your student can practice independently when you share the lesson with them. An audio of the lesson objective and random examples are provided for calibration of strategies. Bonus: The last card in the deck is a reinforcement activity where your student get's to create their own picture. This can also be used for storytelling/narrative development using the fluency strategies targeted! *This deck is not self-grading but intended for direct therapy use and carry-over practice. *Please provide feedback as I would love to keep improving the quality of my products for speech-language pathologists, parents, and other educators that may be accessing these digital resources.