Learning To Listen Sounds Auditory Discrimination 3 Choices

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by Stacy Crouse

Price: 350 points or $3.5 USD

Subjects: speech,hearingAndAudiology,listeningSkills,expressiveLanguage,earlyIntervention

Grades: 14,13

Description: The Learning To Listen sounds are a KEY COMPONENT of intervention for children with HEARING LOSS who utilize cochlear implants and/or hearing aids. This deck is a simple activity for targeting AUDITORY DISCRIMINATION of these important early sound-object associations. The Learning to Listen sounds are MEANINGFUL sounds associated with animals, actions, and household items. They are used with new cochlear implant and hearing aid users to develop early LISTENING and SPOKEN LANGUAGE skills. This resource is INTERACTIVE and ENGAGING. The deck includes... ✅ 35 CARDS of Learning to Listen sound discrimination exercises ✅ A field of 3 PICTURE CHOICES on each card to provide helpful visuals ✅ Real AUDIO that's activated by clicking an ear picture on each card Use this deck to go beyond auditory discrimination and target OTHER GOAL AREAS too, including... ✅Gaining AUDITORY ATTENTION before listening ✅Showing DETECTION of environmental and speech sounds ✅Imitation of SUPRASEGMENTAL qualities of speech (duration, intensity, pitch) ✅Production of early CONSONANTS & VOWELS Early sound-object associations (the Learning to Listen sounds) are a NATURAL part of language development as they are often the first words produced by young children. This deck can be used in MULTIPLE SETTINGS to help your students with hearing loss follow that same pattern... ✅ In individual SPEECH or AUDITORY-VERBAL THERAPY sessions ✅ With a small GROUP or CLASS ✅ As a HOME PRACTICE activity