NO PREP Digital Trick or Treat Sentences, Subjects, and Predicates Game

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by Tiffany Brodsky

Price: 400 points or $4 USD

Subjects: ela,language,elaLanguageGrammar,eslGrammar,knowledgeOfLanguage,elaLanguagePunctuation,writing

Grades: 3,4,5,15

Description: Go trick-or-treating for fragments, compound, simple, and run-on sentences, AND compound subjects and predicates in this digital game with this Halloween theme. Includes: - 3 slides for compound and/or simple sentences - 3 slides for run-on sentence and/or fragments - 4 compound subjects and/or compound predicates - 2 versions of slides to encourage students to try again - 2 versions of congratulation slides _______________________________________________________________________ Copyright 2021, Tiffany Brodsky. All rights are reserved. Thank you for respecting my work! _______________________________________________________________________ Some Related Standards: CC.SS.L.2.3, CC.SS.L.3.3, CC.SS.L.4.3, and/or AND FL B.E.S.T. ELA.3.C.3.1; ELA..4.C.3.1; and/or ELA..5.C.3.1 Students use English language standards and its conventions (grammar, punctuation, etc.) correctly when writing, speaking, reading, or listening at grade level. CCSSL.4.1f and FL B.E.S.T. EELA.2.C.3.1 Students are recognizing and correcting inappropriate fragments and run-ons.