Emotions & Social Inferencing: Teen Reading the Room

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by Chatter Abound

Price: 200 points or $2 USD

Subjects: sel,speech,specialed,receptiveLanguage,socialAspectsOfCommunication,pragmatics,emotionalAndBehavioralSkills

Grades: 6,7,8,9,10

Description: Middle School/High School level social skills task for reading the room. Instructional portion on reading the room. 7 scenes to analyze. 14 multiple choice questions to answer. Students will analyze scenes based on the location, current situation, current individuals, body language, and facial expressions. Students will use clues from real life images to determine the individual's feelings and statements to make or questions to ask. I hope this deck is helpful to you! :) Allison This individual deck is part of my growing social language bundle, which includes over 40 decks at a discounted rate. You can access the social language bundle by clicking on the related tab.