Price: 236 points or $2.36 USD
Subjects: math,mathElementary,operationsAndAlgebraicThinking,additionAndSubtraction,counting,stPatricksDay
Grades: 14,13,1,2
Description: The leprechaun has hidden his pot of gold, but where? You can find out by solving addition and subtraction equations within 10. Fifteen addition (2 & 3 addends) cards and 15 subtraction cards. Students will start by clicking the leprechaun on the map grid. They need to to solve 5 equations correctly. Students will then follow the directions on the top of the map grid page to move the leprechaun to a space on the grid. Students will then answer 5 more questions and the next map grid page appears with the next set of directions. Students must move the leprechaun to the correct space on the grid to move forward. Continue until the leprechaun reaches his hiding place. Three addition map grids- 5 cards per map grid and 3 subtraction map grids- 5 cards per map grid. Directions on the map grid are up, down, left, and right.