Who's at the Door? - Trick or Treat

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by talkingwithtiff

Price: 200 points or $2 USD

Subjects: speech

Grades: 14,13,1,2,3

Description: Trick or Treat! Someone's at the door (click broom to hear doorbell). Drag them open and see who's outside! Work on pronouns, labeling Halloween costumes, and following simple directions. Did you know? Blue Halloween buckets mean the person has autism and might have difficulty saying, "Trick or Treat." That's okay, they still deserve a smile and a special treat. It's never nice to try to force someone to say or do something they're uncomfortable with. They are trying their best! Teal Halloween buckets mean the person has a food allergy; no candy for them unless their parents say it's okay. To keep those kids safe, it's best to give them small toys or stickers instead.