French Thanksgiving

deck thumbnail

by World Language Cafe

Price: 200 points or $2 USD

Subjects: language

Grades: 7,8,9,10,11

Description: Students listen to 4 French Thanksgiving vocabulary expressions and select the one that matches the photo. Then, students spell out the Thanksgiving word. Great listening and spelling practice! Native speaker sound files improve student pronunciation. Also includes drag and drop matching for the photo and the word. Vocabulary: les canneberges, la dinde, la farce, le maïs, le potiron, la purée de pommes de terre, la sauce au jus de viande, la sauce aux canneberges, le chou-fleur, les haricots verts, le gratin aux haricots verts, la tarte à la citrouille, le football américain, les Amérindiens, les Autochtones, les Pères pélerins, la famille, les parents, les petits pois, les carottes, les patates douces. If you have any questions or suggestions or would like another expression added to this set, email me at: