What's My Number? Set 3

deck thumbnail

by Aussie Waves

Price: 300 points or $3 USD

Subjects: math

Grades: 2,3,4

Description: These Guess My Number tasks are ideal for distance learning, small group activities or Math centres. These are number puzzles, suitable for Years 3 and 4. There are slightly different levels, to help with differentiation. There are 30 cards, with clues for students to keep eliminating numbers, until they are left with only one answer. The first 9 cards deal with numbers 100-500, the rest use numbers 100-1000. I’ve used clues with: • odd and even • addition, subtraction, multiplication signs • greater than and less than • shares equally by ... • double, triple • half, quarter, ½, ¼, • sum, total, difference, product, digits • century, dozen • some Roman numerals This is Set 3, there are easier decks listed, if you'd rather.