Describing Objects

deck thumbnail

by Lisneyland

Price: 200 points or $2 USD

Subjects: specialed,speakingListening,speech,Special Autism,developmentalSkills,communicationSkills

Grades: 13,1,2

Description: The Describing Objects deck contains a set of photographs of different items. This is an expressive activity. This means an adult is needed to successfully complete this deck. This allows for a huge amount of flexibility. The adult can ask for as many details as is appropriate for the learner's current developmental level. Instructions: Each card contains a picture of an object. Ask your learner to tell you about the object. You might ask a general question such as, "Tell me about a tent," or be specific such as, "Tell me three things about a lion." Each card contains suggested indirect prompts you might choose to use to assist your learner to think about different aspects of the object if they are struggling. Ideally, running this program with the visual support in this way will assist your learner with flexible thinking when it comes time to conduct this activity intraverbally (without visual supports). Have fun! -Liz