LIFE SKILLS- Community Places: Where ?s & Prepositions

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by Atypical Living

Price: 300 points or $3 USD

Subjects: speech,specialed,adultSpeech,cognition,expressiveLanguage,receptiveLanguage,communicationSkills

Grades: 0

Description: his Boom deck includes Jojo and Edie visiting 23 different places in the community. Enjoy finding the dogs! (Make sure to view in full screen mode.) Deck saved in Flow Magic form so the slides won't automatically turn to the next slide. This gives the SLP/teacher more control and able to have discussions about the current slide. PRESS THE RIGHT ARROW TO ADVANCE EACH SLIDE. Possible goals to target with or without AAC: -Answering wh questions (Where are the dogs? What do you do at the...? Why do we go to the...?) -Describing places (The library many books, people go there to read, you have to be quiet.) -Expanding MLU (They are at the store.) -Naming/labelling places in the community -Expressing opinion (I don't like going to the doctor.) -Describing past experiences -Answering yes/no questions -Prepositions (under the tree, on the building, in th car) -state opinions: pretty, ugly, scary, dirty -AAC core: "I go," "I like/don't like," "I see," "There,"